College Level Math Prep – Math090

Developmental math courses are offered by Adult Learning Center teachers on the Nashua Community College campus.  These classes help students improve their Accuplacer scores in order to qualify for college level classes.

Who We Serve

Anyone who has achieved his or her HiSET® or high school diploma. Students are required to live or work in New Hampshire.

What We Offer

Developmental math (MATH090) prepares students for college level math with the co-requisite workshop. All students will re-take the Accuplacer test at the end of the semester.

Classes are offered during the fall, spring and summer semesters (with minimum enrollment). We offer class in the morning or evening.

Program Highlights

How to Register

Step 1:  Click here to register for class.  If you cannot complete the online form, contact the Adult Education Counselor (Bill) at 603-288-7526 or  for help.  Please note: The FSpring Math090 classes will  start on January 13th.

Step 2: You will be contacted by the Adult Education Counselor for an intake appointment.  Depending on the time of year, this may take up to 2 weeks.

Step 3: You will take a math placement test.  The test is called TABE – Test of Adult Basic Education.  This is required by our grant funding and helps us to understand the areas you need to work on.

Step 4: You will receive your class information and start date after you complete the test.

Step 5: For students who are attending in person, you can begin class at NCC after completing this process. 


All college-level math preparation classes are free.


For more information or to schedule an appointment, call or text the Adult Education Counselor, Bill Bissonnette, at 603-288-7526 or email

Or you can contact the Director of Adult Education, Sarah Lemley, at:
603-882-9080 x2237 or